How to Set Up Xray Vless+XTLS 2021 Proxy/VPN on your own server

Dougie Jones
5 min readFeb 11, 2021


For a foreigner lives in China or Iran it’s difficult to browse free internet, social media and every other sites. Paid VPNs are very unstable and possible to be blocked. Last year I found v2ray services that is unrecognizable for Great Firewall of China and very stable with better speed. Xray with Vless and XTLS+CDN the newest protocol, and we want to show you set up tutorial.

Xray+Nginx mode. Use Xray’s fallback function to divert traffic on the Xray side. The traffic that Xray cannot handle will be transferred to Nginx for processing. The communication protocol is XTLS, and the internal communication protocol is TCP. The Xray+Nginx mode uses a lot of new technologies and is not compatible with CDN. The existence of Nginx is mainly to prevent detection. It can build a website. Simply put, Xray is in front, Nginx is behind, and Xray is directly open to the outside world. For friends who mainly need Xray services, the traffic in this mode is directly handled by Xray, so the efficiency is very high. In addition, the XTLS protocol, which is the latest V2Ray flagship, is used, and the performance is stronger, but just like trojan , this mode cannot be applied to CDN, The function of Xray will be lost after forced application. For friends who need to build a website, because the traffic is analyzed and forwarded by Xray, performance will be lost, so Nginx is not recommended building a website.

It’s so easy to set up v2ray on your server. First, you should choose your provider and buy a VPS service. I would recommend you Vultr with low price service, easy to buy and set up, stable servers and 99.99% uptime. All of these are only $2.50–$3.50.

Choose your provider

0. Click Here to see prices and buy.

Starting From $2.50/mo and $0.004/hr. Get started

1. Buy a Vultr Cloud Compute server and choose a country. There is no difference, but I recommend you to choose near country to where you are.

Then choose Debian 9 in OS section and smallest server size will be enough for 10–15 device with Xray connection. If you want, you can choose Debian 8 32-bit OS because it’s cheaper but don’t choose services that only have IPv6.

Leave other sections empty and buy your server. Now you have and IP address that refers to your VPS and a Password.

Get A Domain Name

  1. Get a domain name, it’s free to activate a domain name in freenom. Enter a name for your domain:

2. Select one of domain names and click Chekout.

3. Select “Use DNS” and 12 Months Period, Then enter your VPS IP address in IP address section.

4. And Then:

SSH Connection to your VPS

Open your Terminal or if you use Windows Install Putty. It’s a manual for connecting to your server with Putty in Windows.

Enter SSH code in your Mac or Linux Terminal and your VPS IP instead of <ip>:

$ ssh root@<ip>

Then Enter your password that your VPS Provider gave you. Maybe it’s not shown but entered correctly.

0.Then Enter this commands on your Terminal:

~# apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y~# apt install wget -y~# wget -N --no-check-certificate -q -O "" && chmod +x && bash
  1. Enter “2” to install 安装 Xray (xtls+Nginx) and wait for install completion
  2. Enter your domain name and then enter “1” in the next question for IPv4:

3. Enter 443 in port field and wait for installation.(in every step if there is default value, then enter defaults)

4. It gives you a configuration like this. Download V2Ray Client and enter this Config on your client and enjoy your speed, freedom and security.

How To Add Config On My Proxy Client

  1. Download V2RayN and Extract anywhere you want.
  2. Open v2rayN.exe and switch lang to Eng. Close and open it again.

3. Update XrayCore and click “Yes” and wait for complete.

4. Update v2rayN and click yes and then click Upgrade

5. Open it again and now update v2rayCore, click yes, wait for complete and open it again.

6. To add your server, do like that:

7. It’s finish. Enjoy!

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